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Greg Wallis | all galleries >> Snakes >> Black Snakes > Red-bellied Black Snake
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copyright Greg Wallis 2007

Red-bellied Black Snake

These beautiful snakes are found in southern and eastern australia and are probably one of australias best known snakes. Despite the fearsome looking appearance in this photograph; the snake was just putting on a defensive display for a photographer that was getting too close! Like most snakes they will try and flee at the first chance they get, but of course if you get in their way they will try and defend themselves.

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malichatte06-Apr-2020 16:43
Terrifiant !
rcgear14-Nov-2018 05:39
Wolfgang 04-Jan-2011 17:48

your photos are outstanding! Simply amazing!
KAI-WING LEUNG18-Nov-2010 06:44
Amazing! Excellent capture and composition! V
Guest 16-May-2009 02:32
Another fantastic shot! Among the very best I have seen here. Well done.
Stan Wojick20-Jan-2009 18:52
Outstanding shot V
Andre Fontaine20-Jan-2009 17:34
magnifique pose ! v
Bill Robinson24-Nov-2007 04:24
Terrific capture Greg.
Taken from a lot closer than I would be comfortable with !
Photohiker31-Oct-2007 01:25
Awesome reptile - dynamic photo! Nice detail in the eye and head, and perfect timing.
Alexander Dudley23-Mar-2007 03:26
This is, without doubt, the most amazing blacksnake photo I have ever seen, and right up there with the best snake photo full stop. And I have seen a few.