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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Eye Poppin' Poppies
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12-APR-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Eye Poppin' Poppies

Lancaster, CA

Sad to see the beautiful poppies fade to memory for the season, and grateful that they visited us so beautifully this year, shining their pretty faces to cheer us.

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Gaétan Bolduc09-Nov-2011 17:53
Great macro wide angle photo, nice colors and dof
Gill Kopy12-Mar-2010 01:37
I love this shot Sandi - lovely to think of poppies at this time of year V
Stuart Smith25-Mar-2009 01:44
I agree with Tom Munson! Fabulous work
Guest 22-Aug-2008 19:50
beautiful photo! great use of color, composition, and dof! V
Doug Cruden01-Jul-2008 18:35
Great use of DoF to maximum effect. Great colours too! V
Pixel Shooter14-May-2008 02:01
How did I miss this, just simply beautiful, luv the dof and splash of color V
Sue Robertson13-May-2008 01:27
wonderful shot!. v
Alex Foong12-May-2008 14:08
Beautiful warm capture. They are so beautiful.
Gervan11-May-2008 08:56
Perfect lighting and use of DOF. V.
Ali Majdfar11-May-2008 08:04
Fabulous capture, GMV
Guest 10-May-2008 19:50
Beautiful colors and composition, Sandi! Well done.
Lise Trempe10-May-2008 13:13
Superb composition and framing for these beautiful flowers.
Birte Person10-May-2008 12:15
Beautiful colours and comp,I will be there this week hope there still is some colour around.V
Simon Chandler09-May-2008 21:56
Beautiful composition. Love the vivid colors. v
coaster09-May-2008 20:09
You captured these beautiful flowers very well!
Guest 09-May-2008 07:24
Great control of DoF & well saturated!!
Carol Rollins09-May-2008 05:31
Dreamy light and colors Sandi! Excellent comp. V
Yves Marquis09-May-2008 03:42
Guest 09-May-2008 03:30
Very pretty.
Char09-May-2008 02:38
Hi Sandi,
Absolutely stunning! \/
Chad Ramsey09-May-2008 01:26
lol... great name and perfect shot~V
Naret Visesvongsa08-May-2008 23:38
I like the color contrast and composition vote.
Bill Robinson08-May-2008 22:50
beautiful blooms Sandi.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther08-May-2008 22:23
Beautiful! V
Hank Vander Velde08-May-2008 21:08
Very nice image Sandi. V.
Gayle P. Clement08-May-2008 20:00
Another absolute beauty, Sandi. I love it.
b-w studio08-May-2008 19:05
Beautiful poppies and well done.
Alina08-May-2008 17:49
You are right they are so beautiful; it is hard to let them go. V
Tom Munson08-May-2008 17:38
You have taken some great shots of these, Sandi. It is sad to see them go. v
fdt08-May-2008 16:43
Beautiful. f
Silvia Roitman08-May-2008 16:32
Jean-Paul PLUME08-May-2008 15:53
A marvellous dream... Very very nice for the colors and the dof.
Jim Coffman08-May-2008 15:46
Very gorgeous and well done Sandi~V
Janet Forjan-Freedman08-May-2008 15:46
Wonderful composition and rich colours!
Randy Adams08-May-2008 15:36
Beautiful Sandi....really like the dof!
doron nissim08-May-2008 15:32
Lovely !
Terri Steele08-May-2008 15:31
Beautiful color and composition! Love it ;) You could have a show Sandi!!!!
Sylvie C08-May-2008 15:19
Very nice colors and dof.
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