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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Beautiful Reeds
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09-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Beautiful Reeds


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Guest 31-Mar-2008 10:05
Stunning, gorgeous. zm
Guest 12-Feb-2008 06:12
Brilliant images, all of them, this is one of my favorites.
Marina Palpati09-Jan-2008 22:03
exellent!!!! V
Pixel Shooter31-Dec-2007 00:43
Fantastic landscape, perfect! ~V
Chad Ramsey20-Dec-2007 16:07
Wow! This is a sensational shot! The reds from the leaves play into the reeds in the water and my mind thinks... is it reflection or is it real... Great shot! VVV
Tom Munson18-Dec-2007 18:02
Outstanding landscape Sandi. This is perfect. v
Marcia Colelli18-Dec-2007 17:26
Beautiful colors and nice reflection of Bubble Pond Sandi
Guest 18-Dec-2007 12:39
Things to look forward to or recall during a snow storm :) (6 Farenheit here:)
Guest 18-Dec-2007 11:26
stunning colours, reflections.
Giancarlo Guzzardi18-Dec-2007 11:05
very nice
Michelle18-Dec-2007 10:00
Superbe photo Sandi avec de très belles couleurs. Bravo.
Brian McAllister18-Dec-2007 06:55
Excellent shot.....
Yves Marquis18-Dec-2007 01:27
Randy Adams18-Dec-2007 01:07
wow...beautiful reflection shot Sandi!
oeil_de_focus17-Dec-2007 22:43
Very nice colors and reflection.
Guest 17-Dec-2007 22:39
Excellent Shot & Reflection V
Barry Rosenberg17-Dec-2007 21:10
Good eye. Wonderful mixture of reeds and reflection make for a great shot!
Stewart Mitchell17-Dec-2007 20:32
Beautiful indeed :-)
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