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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn in New England > Found Some Autumn Colors After All
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12-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Found Some Autumn Colors After All

White Mountains, New Hampshire

Took riding to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, but we did find some autumn colors at last.

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poetry66601-Dec-2007 00:43
Simply beautiful Sandi! GMV.
Guest 29-Nov-2007 02:34
Beautiful Shot & Colors V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)24-Nov-2007 21:30
Just some colours - that's a lot of colour - beautiful.
Giancarlo Guzzardi24-Nov-2007 18:20
nice view
marie-jose wolff24-Nov-2007 17:53
magnificent fall colors! V
Gerard Koehl24-Nov-2007 15:57
Les couleurs sont extraordinaires. V
Guest 24-Nov-2007 15:04
the colours are stunning Sandi.
monil24-Nov-2007 14:12
wonderfull colors. V
Jonathan Popp24-Nov-2007 14:09
Yes you did! great array of colors.
Marcia Colelli24-Nov-2007 14:03
beautiful autumn colors Sandi
an nguyen24-Nov-2007 13:53
Love the fall color, so magnificent. V
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