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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spectacular ANTELOPE CANYON > Shot 3 - Beam Series... Full Beam
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30-MAY-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Shot 3 - Beam Series... Full Beam

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Full beam, with the sun shining directly into the opening at the top of the canyon that makes this beam. Magic is complete and Nature displays in all her glory.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 12-Nov-2008 22:29
Impressive sequence - must be quite something to behold! V!
Guest 01-Oct-2008 17:47
Denis Vincelette01-Oct-2007 02:13
Thanks a lot to for sharing this serie! wonderful .. no others words ! Nice to let us see that ! Thanks !
Barry S Moore24-Aug-2007 22:59
Awesome sequence - loved it and voted
peterjay4524-Aug-2007 21:53
Magnificent, Sandi. This is a beautiful culmination of a great series. V.
Marcia Colelli24-Aug-2007 14:58
wonderful capture V
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