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Sandi Whitteker | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spectacular ANTELOPE CANYON tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Antelope Canyon was the main reason for a recent trip through Arizona and Utah. Among many beautiful scenic locales, Antelope Canyon
stands out as a very special place. Spring is one of two times a year when, in addition to the fabulous orange, pink and purple colors of
the slot canyons, you can also see dramatic beams of light coming down from the 120 ft ceilings. Enjoy your tour of Antelope Canyon!
Beams of Light Shine Down from 120 Ft High Walls
Beams of Light Shine Down from 120 Ft High Walls
Pink and Purple
Pink and Purple
Purple and Pink Straight Up Shot
Purple and Pink Straight Up Shot
Beams Come and Go - from 11am-2pm
Beams Come and Go - from 11am-2pm
Waves of orange and pink
Waves of orange and pink
Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice
See the Eagle?
See the Eagle?
Incredible Colors of Antelope Canyon
Incredible Colors of Antelope Canyon
Nope!  No Articifical Lights Used!
Nope! No Articifical Lights Used!
Another Face - Easter Island?
Another Face - Easter Island?
More Fire and Ice
More Fire and Ice
Stunning Beams of Light
Stunning Beams of Light
Grand Hall
Grand Hall
Challenge... Not the F-Stop, Not the Shutter Speed...
Challenge... Not the F-Stop, Not the Shutter Speed...
And On and On...
And On and On...
Smiling Polar Bear
Smiling Polar Bear
Wide Beams
Wide Beams
Slender Beams
Slender Beams
Fantastic Colors and Formations
Fantastic Colors and Formations
Antelope Canyon Passageway
Antelope Canyon Passageway
Another Special Canyon Near Upper Antelope
Another Special Canyon Near Upper Antelope
Amazing Mother Nature!
Amazing Mother Nature!
A walk through the fire and ice of Upper Antelope Canyon
A walk through the fire and ice of Upper Antelope Canyon
Imagine Walking through these Narrow, Winding Passages with Walls 120 Ft. High
Imagine Walking through these Narrow, Winding Passages with Walls 120 Ft. High
Magical! A Walk in a Fantasy World
Magical! A Walk in a Fantasy World
Another Stunning Beam Appears!
Another Stunning Beam Appears!
Adjacent Canyon to Upper Antelope
Adjacent Canyon to Upper Antelope
g6/74/784774/3/83873681.ygN5DdI7.jpg Don't Forget to Look Up!
Don't Forget to Look Up!
Nearby Slot Canyon
Nearby Slot Canyon
More from the Secret Canyon
More from the "Secret" Canyon
It's Magic!
It's Magic!
Secret Canyon
"Secret Canyon"
More Ceiling Art
More Ceiling Art
Catch a Wave!
Catch a Wave!
Beam Me Up Scotty!
Beam Me Up Scotty!
Did You Think I Was Alone There? Nope!!
Did You Think I Was Alone There? Nope!!
Patience to Wait
Patience to Wait
Bright Colors of Lower Antelope Canyon
Bright Colors of Lower Antelope Canyon
Narrow Passages
Narrow Passages
Like the Little Nodule!
Like the Little Nodule!
Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice
Curves, Twists and Colors to Tickle the Eye!
Curves, Twists and Colors to Tickle the Eye!
Lower Antelope
Lower Antelope
Shot 1 - Beam Series...  the Beam Begins
Shot 1 - Beam Series... the Beam Begins
Shot 2 - Beam Series...  the Beam Grows Stronger
Shot 2 - Beam Series... the Beam Grows Stronger
Shot 3 - Beam Series...  Full Beam
Shot 3 - Beam Series... Full Beam
Full Eagle
Full Eagle
Moodier Parts of the Canyon
Moodier Parts of the Canyon
Pretty in Peach
Pretty in Peach
Contours and Colors of Antelope Canyon
Contours and Colors of Antelope Canyon
In the Light
In the Light
In the Secret Canyon
In the Secret Canyon
Twists and Turns of Antelope Canyon
Twists and Turns of Antelope Canyon