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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Breathtaking YOSEMITE National Park > View from Glacier Point
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26-JUL-2007 Sandi Whitteker

View from Glacier Point

Yosemite National Park, Calfornia

Honorable Mention, 146th Show and Tell Contest, "Scale"

other sizes: small medium original auto
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waterfalls man03-Jan-2009 16:47
Excellent Shot V
CM Kwan19-Nov-2008 12:31
Wow, wonderful POV, Sandi! Breathtaking! V
Guest 10-Nov-2008 05:52
Great view with the 'green river' flowing through the image. -v
Treas01-Apr-2008 01:16
Beautiful shot Sand! Looks like you and I visit many of the same places.
This is a very different valley and Half Dome shot. I love it.
Guest 25-Jan-2008 00:43
Great Shot! V
Denis Vincelette25-Sep-2007 01:24
I am a bit effraid of walks over there ! Do you need to be an athletic person to go there ?
Denis Vincelette25-Sep-2007 01:23
You climbed over there ?
Brian Baker20-Sep-2007 20:35
Great capture Sandi, this must be one of the most spectacular places I have visited.
Thanks for sharing.
Guest 01-Sep-2007 13:35
What a view! Vote.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)27-Aug-2007 02:54
Wow, you’ve captured the impressiveness in one shot.
Guest 22-Aug-2007 16:31
Stunning capture - well done
marschp21-Aug-2007 19:13
Wow - that puts it in perspective - what a stunning view. v
Bill Robinson17-Aug-2007 00:27
Magnificant !
Guest 14-Aug-2007 20:25
Guest 14-Aug-2007 18:18
Amazing place...
Glendower10-Aug-2007 22:13
Wow! What an amazing perspective in this very beautiful image - excellent work here! Voted.
Lion07-Aug-2007 00:48
So you doing hang gliding photography ,great capture !!! " VOTED "
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