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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Sand Harbor Sunset... the Boys.
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Sand Harbor Sunset... the Boys.

Smoke from fires in California gave an eerie orange glow to the sunset.
Even the boys playing on the rocks, took a break to watch the show.

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peterjay4518-Nov-2013 18:47
This is so beautiful, Sandi, wonderful light and colour.
Range View 15-Nov-2013 20:24
Wonderful composition with beautiful light and superb detail. V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad06-Jul-2013 15:27
Lovely pano, Sandi. V
Martin Lamoon06-Jul-2013 14:18
So Wonderful, I would love to be there!
Anitta06-Jul-2013 08:57
Like a painting. Love the light and your colors. V
Doug Sherman06-Jul-2013 04:10
Beautiful, Sandi.
globalgadabout06-Jul-2013 02:15
wonderful balance of the bold and the subtle...sublime photography Sandi.....V
Sam Rua05-Jul-2013 18:50
Beautiful capture, Sandi. Well done.
Tom Munson05-Jul-2013 18:29
This is beautiful, Sandi! Wonderful light and composition. That's a great setting for a home.
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