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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Sunset at Sand Harbor... the Girls
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30-JUN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Sunset at Sand Harbor... the Girls

Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Had so much fun watching these two young girls posing for each other.
Little did they know they were posing for me too.

Visit the Carsons City Living Gallery, for more photos from this area, at...

other sizes: small medium original auto
Martin Lamoon02-Jul-2013 17:46
Stunning silhouette and sunset. V
Esa Ervasti02-Jul-2013 16:52
Top summer silhouette, Sandi. This would be gorgeous as a big poster!
Stephanie02-Jul-2013 04:53
Amazing silhouette work and red-hot sunset! Love this work of art! V :)
globalgadabout02-Jul-2013 02:49
sublime silhouettes....spontaneous joy is well placed at this moment...V
Gerard Koehl02-Jul-2013 02:48
Splendide. V
Gill Kopy02-Jul-2013 01:03
Wonderful Sandi ! V
Peter Stubley01-Jul-2013 20:53
Very nice -- great colour and silhouettes.
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