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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > Droplets in B&W
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04-OCT-2011 Sandi Whitteker

Droplets in B&W

Carlsbad, CA

Thanks to the Show and Tell contest this week, I tried B&W on these droplets, and I think I like it
better than the color version. Seems to bring out the droplets better. This capture was taken at the
Botanical Gardens in Carlsbad CA. We almost cancelled the shoot because of a light rain, and were rewarded
for our determination by a fantasyland of droplets. You just never know about weather and photography.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dan Greenberg10-Feb-2013 16:24
This one is spectacular! Love the tones and all those perfectly sharp droplets. ~BV~
Guest 06-Nov-2012 01:41
That is really cool.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad06-Nov-2012 01:11
Beautiful composition with excellent detail and tonal quality. Voted
Stephanie05-Nov-2012 16:11
AWESOME!!!!! Rain and photography just seem to go together! ....except when you're getting drenched! V
globalgadabout05-Nov-2012 15:40
knockout image...the raindrops are fabulous beaded along the splayed leaves...V
Sam Rua05-Nov-2012 14:26
It most certainly does. Nicely captured and presented.
CM Kwan05-Nov-2012 12:20
Excellent close-up, Sandi! V
Graeme05-Nov-2012 10:13
I love the mono choice for this close up, Sandi. A beautiful array of droplets and great perspective too!! BBV
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