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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA > In a Purple Haze
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Sandi Whitteker

In a Purple Haze

Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA

More fun with macro. Hey you plant people. Can anyone tell me the name of this plant?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ali Majdfar06-Feb-2012 17:56
So fabulous DoF! ~V
CM Kwan06-Feb-2012 11:46
Wonderful close-up, Sandi! V
Stephanie06-Feb-2012 02:05
Perfection! VV
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad05-Feb-2012 19:41
Beautiful colour combination with wonderful use of shallow DOF. V
Fong Lam05-Feb-2012 17:49
Outstanding macro shot with excellent selective focus and colors...V
Vickie BROWN05-Feb-2012 17:08
Terrific scene and gorgeous colours! V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Feb-2012 15:57
Beautiful! Love the colors! V
Dennis Camp05-Feb-2012 15:20
Nice macro work, good light and use of narrow dof.
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