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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> By the Sea > Peeking Through the Window
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Sept 28, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Peeking Through the Window

Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, CA

at one of the cabins on the Crystal pier. What a view you must get form inside!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Taylor03-Jun-2012 21:24
I Like This ! V
Guest 20-Dec-2011 23:35
Very enchanting image,,like it..V
Karen Moen28-Oct-2011 02:49
Wonderful picture within a picture! Voted.
carol j. phipps27-Oct-2011 01:03
Wonderful work!!! V
Cindi Smith10-Oct-2011 02:49
Very cool lines and reflections. Well seen and processed! V
Guest 09-Oct-2011 12:20
Wonderful composition with great detail
LynnH08-Oct-2011 14:27
Composition is great and I love the color! V
Janice Dunn08-Oct-2011 08:36
Very happy scene, especially in summer
borisalex08-Oct-2011 06:05
Love the view and the door!
John King08-Oct-2011 04:35
Lovely composition and view. V
Jola Dziubinska07-Oct-2011 23:24
Very pretty composition, Sandi, nice reflections. V.
Guest 07-Oct-2011 20:23
Fantastic composition Sandi!!!! A great shot!! V
Janet Donnelly07-Oct-2011 19:11
The various elements of this picture all fit together so smoothly -- your composition is terrific.
It also invites me to linger a while, and like you said, wonder what it would be like to go inside!
Gill Kopy04-Oct-2011 00:45
Love this shot - well done V
Patricia Kay03-Oct-2011 20:15
Wonderful creative image Sandi...BV
Silvia Roitman03-Oct-2011 15:36
Jack Bieser03-Oct-2011 15:34
I like the subject,depth,texture,composure, You got it Sandi ~V~
Char03-Oct-2011 12:04
A beautiful shot, Sandi! \/
Michelle03-Oct-2011 09:07
Vraiment magnifique. V
Gerard Koehl03-Oct-2011 04:47
Superbe composition. V
marko gregoric03-Oct-2011 03:36
Superb shot. V
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