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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > First Light at Zabrinky Point
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Sandi Whitteker

First Light at Zabrinky Point

Zabrinsky Point, Death Valley, CA

For those of you who live in this area, and others lucky enough to visit Death Valley, you
know this very famous formation. It's a sunrise spot for sure. Get there early enough,
and feast your eyes on the bright reds of dawn on the mountains. It's these same
mountains that are reflected at Badwater in Death Valley, when there is water there.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gary Hudes25-Oct-2009 02:14
Amazing image, spectacular location. V
Randy Adams18-Sep-2009 10:43
Fantastic capture Sandi! Great exposure and lighting! V
Sayer17-Sep-2009 04:36
Wow! So many layers... astonishing! ~v
MarcWildPassion16-Sep-2009 21:06
Splendid; V
You made me jealous, been there for a sunset this summer and the light was definitively or my skills not able to catch this amazing place properly;
Guest 16-Sep-2009 12:00
Nice shot.... Love the layers and colors. Congrats
waterfalls man16-Sep-2009 03:15
Excellent Shot V !!!
McGarva15-Sep-2009 19:26
Awesome ... love the colours and strong lines ... V
tony_england15-Sep-2009 16:43
Wonderful moody shot Sandi. gmv
Bill Warren15-Sep-2009 15:18
These layers of shape and light are terrific V
Giancarlo Guzzardi15-Sep-2009 07:31
extraordinary... how best set for the film by Antonioni?
Gaétan Bolduc15-Sep-2009 02:33
Beautifull image, surrealist scene. V
Hank Vander Velde15-Sep-2009 01:01
BEAUTIFUL image Sandi. Nice description too.
Guest 15-Sep-2009 00:23
Fantastic scene, Sandi. The colors are beautiful. V
fredrcox15-Sep-2009 00:15
Beautiful picture!
Terry Olsen14-Sep-2009 22:54
Excellent! Wonderful light, color and layers. V
Claude Martin14-Sep-2009 20:18
Absolutely fantastic tones and relief... superb shot. V
Alain Boussac14-Sep-2009 19:47
Remarkable forms and color tones. Superb image. V.
Jean-Paul PLUME14-Sep-2009 18:41
Really outstanding! V
Milan Vogrin14-Sep-2009 18:40
Great scene!V!
olivier bruning14-Sep-2009 18:19
wow...this is a heavenly picture! very delicate light and colours! braVo!
Gerard Koehl14-Sep-2009 18:19
Ah oui... c'est beau. V
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