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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites 20 > Along My Favorite Stretch of Road
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11-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Along My Favorite Stretch of Road

Highway 395, California

Sierra wave clouds slipping over the mountain peaks, and the beautiful colors the high sierras.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Christine P. Newman07-Mar-2013 19:49
Ken Zaret27-Oct-2010 15:14
beautiful shot, naturalistic image.
January Grey27-Jul-2009 04:29
Pretty as a picture postcard! A beautiful image, Sandi. V~
Steve Morris09-Jul-2009 17:51
Fabulous photo - love the floral foreground!BV
Sayer09-Jul-2009 03:32
Gorgeous! ~v
an nguyen07-Jul-2009 03:28
This scenery is amazing...
Cindi Smith06-Jul-2009 22:11
This is gorgeous!
marie-jose wolff06-Jul-2009 21:01
Fantastic landscape, great mood! V
Lise Trempe06-Jul-2009 13:57
A very beautiful scenery, the light and the mood are great.
globalgadabout06-Jul-2009 13:46
lovely autumn palette in this gorgeous setting...V
Mindy McNaugher06-Jul-2009 05:41
Absolutely breathtaking scene!!! Wonderful colors, capture and mood! Vote!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad06-Jul-2009 04:57
Beautiful tones, colours and details. v
Guest 06-Jul-2009 02:50
That is beautiful. vote
Gerard Koehl06-Jul-2009 01:45
Ce paysage est magnifique... V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)06-Jul-2009 00:54
Fantastic scene - I've got to follow you around some time. VV
Carol Rollins06-Jul-2009 00:09
Fabulous composition of this beautiful scene Sandi! ~
Marcia Colelli05-Jul-2009 23:54
very lovely scene, nice perspective
Jola Dziubinska05-Jul-2009 23:45
Fantastic scenery, good pov.
Hank Vander Velde05-Jul-2009 23:38
BEAUTIFUL scene, superbly captured and composed Sandi.
Susanne v. Schroeder05-Jul-2009 22:11
Wonderful. Love the mood.
Jim Coffman05-Jul-2009 21:57
Sandi, this is stunning!!BV
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