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royalld | all galleries >> Around The House >> In the Yard > October 13, 2006
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October 13, 2006

FujiFilm FinePix F10 Zoom
1/320s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Greg Harp16-Oct-2006 03:17
Marvelous reflection shot.
Rich Westfall14-Oct-2006 03:06
Nice shot. I like the hint of reflection in the glass with it as well as the great colors in the clouds and sun.
Bill Ewart Jr14-Oct-2006 01:50
I'm guessing sunrise?
Char14-Oct-2006 01:16
Wonderful shot Dave, and after 10 clicks, I "Have already voted" imagine that. LOL
Graham Tomlin14-Oct-2006 01:07
wonderful regards Helen
Sheila13-Oct-2006 23:26
Beautiful reflection. I love the glow on the wood.
Robin Reid13-Oct-2006 21:53
Striking sunrise David. Well done.
laine8213-Oct-2006 21:41
Good morning, Good morning !!! vote
Carole Stevens13-Oct-2006 19:45
Gorgeous sunset nicely captured through the window!
Deborah Lewis13-Oct-2006 19:34
Guest 13-Oct-2006 18:35
lovely colors Dave
Dan Chusid13-Oct-2006 15:43
Happy reflective Friday!
Kathy Pedersen13-Oct-2006 15:43
Another beautiful morning, Voted
Bryan Murahashi13-Oct-2006 14:59
Very nicely captured.
Coleen Perilloux Landry13-Oct-2006 14:29
Beautifully framed with great dimension.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-Oct-2006 14:24
Nicely captured.
Jen Bixler13-Oct-2006 13:36
Our reflections for today are similiar! Awesome.
Jola Dziubinska13-Oct-2006 13:30
Wonderful, beautiful, inviting.
Faye White13-Oct-2006 13:28
another beauty! :)