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September 27, 2006

A meeting between heaven and earth was held in our backyard this morning.

You are invited to visit my blog: AS I SEE IT

FujiFilm FinePix F10 Zoom
1/400s f/4.5 at 8.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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akleja29-Dec-2006 15:01
Amazing sky!
petesie28-Sep-2006 11:37
Absolutely amazing, and I love the title.
Karen Stuebing28-Sep-2006 09:48
Boy, I'll say. Lovely golden sky. It doesn't get better than this.
QUERIDO28-Sep-2006 06:10
very nice shot,vote
De'Carr Studio28-Sep-2006 04:55
Excellent, Dave. Such a beautiful sky. Vote
Greg Harp28-Sep-2006 03:32
Marvelous! GMV
Focus28-Sep-2006 02:06
A stunning shot with a great title.......had to laugh at funny man Dan. This is a fantastic shot....voted!
Char28-Sep-2006 01:43
What an amazing morning! Beautiful Dave. GMV
Guest 28-Sep-2006 01:00
Beautiful shot! Appropiate title.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 00:59
A very successful meeting!
Sheila28-Sep-2006 00:12
and the outcome was Splendid.
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 00:03
Gorgeous, Dave! Very beautiful image! V
Roe..27-Sep-2006 23:52
Sam Stevenson27-Sep-2006 23:46
Beautiful morning.
laine8227-Sep-2006 21:37
Another vote winner !!
BAS Photography27-Sep-2006 21:11
Stunning! ~V~
Mindy McNaugher27-Sep-2006 20:17
What an incredible view to wake up to! Stunning shot!
Robin Reid27-Sep-2006 19:58
Great shot. LOL @ Dan.
Dan Chusid27-Sep-2006 19:43
I wonder what the discussion was about?
Graham Tomlin27-Sep-2006 19:29
great regards Helen
Guest 27-Sep-2006 17:25
a beauty, David
Jen Bixler27-Sep-2006 17:02
A meeting worth attending on time!
Coleen Perilloux Landry27-Sep-2006 16:59
This is one you should frame and hang on the wall.
Faye White27-Sep-2006 16:53
sigh..... wonderful!!! thank you for sharing!
Herb 27-Sep-2006 16:53
Great image