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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers, trees and other plants > Blue beauty
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Blue beauty

Canon PowerShot S40
1/25s f/5.6 at 21.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jun-2008 12:15
Beautiful capture!
Patricia Kay18-Jan-2008 15:36
Great shot of this pretty Wisteria..
Guest 12-Jan-2008 12:11
A beautiful blue cascade. Ours normally flowers in spring, but this year it has decided to flower through summer too! ~V~
missy_gardenwhimsy12-Aug-2007 07:58
Fabulous! I love this beautiful photo! Missy
Carol Muse Skinner27-Jun-2007 19:17
Oh my goodness - how did I miss this one - what a beautiful composition with the leaves at the top and the flowers cascading down. The color and light is spectacular! Voted!
Janice Dunn16-May-2007 12:36
Hi Rosemarie, what a beautiful Wisteria - I love these flowers and you show it well. So colourful and bright. I'm new here, and only learning to move around the site.
Best regards from New Zealand, Janice
Naomi 10-May-2007 18:47
Beautiful wisteria. I took a very similar shot earlier this week. They smell so lovely!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography09-May-2007 18:58
Beautifully taken, great light and colors.
Andrew Vincent06-May-2007 10:51
I love Wisteria! A marvelous shot Rosemarie! VOTE!
Margot W28-Apr-2007 03:05
This is too good to be true. What color and composition. Of course a big vote.
CIS27-Apr-2007 22:44
This is remarkable.....I adore this so much, I want to go out and buy Wisteria.
Kees Terberg24-Apr-2007 20:49
OK Rosemarie, I am glad that you have posted this shot. Here in this region of France there are millions of them but when we look for them at the local garden centres we get the look of amazement wondering what the heck we are talking about... What are these beautiful flowers called? The ones that grow like grape vines along fences, porches and walls... We want them in our garden but without a name to call them... we are not making much progress..
Guest 16-Nov-2006 17:29
I like the light and composition of this shot. vote.
Kathy Pilgrim31-Aug-2006 13:38
This is one of my favorite flowers. I have photographed it often, but never got one as beautiful as this composition! Great work!
Tracy Howell20-Aug-2006 23:10
Great shot nicely composed the way the top of the frame is quite full and it tapers down to a more tendral feathered out finish ... Nice!.
Soenda18-Aug-2006 08:29
The pretty way these flowers spill down into the makes me think of a bridal bouquet.
Guest 07-Jul-2006 12:35
stunning - fantastic light and profusion of blues - excellent capture! I adore wisteria.
Rosemarie Kusserow11-Jun-2006 13:59
Thanks for your kind comment, regards, Rosemarie :-)
Jola Dziubinska10-Jun-2006 21:31
Wonderful image and colors.
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