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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Fur and feathers >> Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock >> Peregrine Falcon chicks 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Peregrine Falcon chicks 2005

Morro Rock south side peregrine falcon chicks.
First 8 photos are from June 15, 2005.
Next 5 from the day the 3 chicks fledged.
Next 5 from the day before fledging, the desire was there but the courage wasn't.
Next 10 from Saturday Morning, May 14, 2005
Bottom rows mostly from the morning of May 8, 2005
Playing keep away with stick
Playing "keep away" with stick
Near top of Morro Rock
Near top of Morro Rock
Get outta here!!
Get outta here!!
Beatin' it
Beatin' it
Wishing (he were home)
Wishing (he were home)
Chick 1
Chick 1
Chick 2 (do you have anything in a size 12 triple E?)
Chick 2 (do you have anything in a size 12 triple E?)
Chick 3
Chick 3
Chick 3 again
Chick 3 again looks so easy... looks so easy...
Maybe if we climb to the top and jump...
Maybe if we climb to the top and jump...
Almost there.
Almost there.
King(s) of the mountain
King(s) of the mountain
Family portrait...this year's brood
Family portrait...this year's brood
Studying from the diving board
Studying from the diving board
Stepping off?  No, not yet.
Stepping off? No, not yet.
That'll never fly...
"That'll never fly..."
OK, I'm ready...
OK, I'm ready...
Calling mom
Calling mom
Both calling mom
Both calling mom
Food delivery
Food delivery
Hey, that's not a pizza...
Hey, that's not a pizza...
Concerned look?
Concerned look?
All 3  chicks visible
All 3 chicks visible
Bad hair day
Bad hair day
Chicks 1
Chicks 1
Single chick stands up
Single chick stands up
Two chicks
Two chicks
Mother leaving with food
Mother leaving with food
Tiercel leaving
Tiercel leaving
Female leaving nest
Female leaving nest