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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fur and feathers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fur and feathers

Wildlife photos.
The zoo photos were taken at Charles Paddock Zoo in Atascadero, CA USA.

Gulls - another view
gallery: Gulls - another view
Peregrine Falcon at Shell beach California
gallery: Peregrine Falcon at Shell beach California
Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock
gallery: Peregrine Falcons of Morro Rock
Bobcat in Yosemite
gallery: Bobcat in Yosemite
For the Birds
gallery: For the Birds
A Hungry Otter dines
gallery: A Hungry Otter dines
A hungry egret dines at the beach
gallery: A hungry egret dines at the beach
Elephant seals
gallery: Elephant seals
Fly portrait
Fly portrait
Young sea lion near Morro Bay
Young sea lion near Morro Bay
Moth Mugshot
Moth Mugshot
Blue and gold Macaw
Blue and gold Macaw
Hey wait, is this yours or mine?
Hey wait, is this yours or mine?
Macaw haw-haw
Macaw haw-haw
Zoo..urp..keeper?  Nope, haven't seen him.
Zoo..urp..keeper? Nope, haven't seen him.
Jogging tortoise
Jogging tortoise
Meerkat sneer
Meerkat sneer
You're smarter than I, I mean....
You're smarter than I, I mean....
Snuggle up here.
Snuggle up here.
You're standing on my rock
You're standing on my rock
Orthodontist's dream
Orthodontist's dream
Turkey vulture soars
Turkey vulture soars
Turkey vulture spots lunch.
Turkey vulture spots lunch.
New joke
New joke
Deer at Lake Shasta
Deer at Lake Shasta
Osprey, Lake Shasta CA
Osprey, Lake Shasta CA
Osprey lands by nest
Osprey lands by nest
Pelican gives Bronx cheer
Pelican gives Bronx cheer
Cleared for takeoff
Cleared for takeoff
Friendly tiger
Friendly tiger
This is embarassing...
This is embarassing...
Never eat on a railroad track
Never eat on a railroad track
Don't do this without a zoom lens
Don't do this without a zoom lens
Lemur lunchtime
Lemur lunchtime
Alligator smile
Alligator smile
New earring & failed nose job
New earring & failed nose job
Whiplash victims
Whiplash victims
Don't roll over
Don't roll over
Butterflies parked
Butterflies parked
The look of disdain
The look of disdain
New hat
New hat
Mystery bird
Mystery bird
Black bird
Black bird
Bird finds lunch
Bird finds lunch
Duck leaving
Duck leaving
Cormorant thinks he's a dove
Cormorant thinks he's a dove
Jay on wire
Jay on wire
Red-tailed hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Killdeer near Monterey CA
Killdeer near Monterey CA
Carrying larva 1
Carrying larva 1
Carrying larva 2
Carrying larva 2