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Dawn & Dusk


Maybe I was still obsessed by the sunrise / sunset sessions of the previous trips in Mainland China.

This trip certainly was not meant to be a photographic tour
but I still managed to sqeeuze in several "self-made" photographic sessions
to experience sunrises inside the hotel room in Tehran and along Zayandeh River in Esfahan.

Several bird-eye views taken on the flight approaching Tehran are also included in this episode.

[Dawn & Dusk]
[Dawn & Dusk]
Tehran after Sunset
Tehran after Sunset
Sunsetting on Khomeini Square
Sunsetting on Khomeini Square
Magic Hours of Tehran
Magic Hours of Tehran
Morning Break
Morning Break
Dawning Tehran
Dawning Tehran
Leisuring at Dawn x 1
Leisuring at Dawn x 1
Dawning Tehran
Dawning Tehran
Sunrise along Zayandeh River
Sunrise along Zayandeh River
Tehran in Winter
Tehran in Winter
Leisuring at Dawn x N
Leisuring at Dawn x N
Dawning Tehran
Dawning Tehran
Snow Cladded Mountains
Snow Cladded Mountains
Zayandeh River at Dawn
Zayandeh River at Dawn
Rural Settlements
Rural Settlements
Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard
Leisuring at Dawn x 1
Leisuring at Dawn x 1
Sunrising over Tehran
Sunrising over Tehran
Good Morning!
Good Morning!
Alborz Mountain at Dusk
Alborz Mountain at Dusk
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque at Dusk
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque at Dusk
Si-O-Se Pol
Si-O-Se Pol
Tehran at Magic Hours
Tehran at Magic Hours
Sparrow Having Breakfast
Sparrow Having Breakfast
Sunsetting on Khomeini Square
Sunsetting on Khomeini Square
When Small meets Giants
When Small meets Giants
Leisuring at Dawn x 3
Leisuring at Dawn x 3
Summer Residence
Summer Residence
Khomeini Square after Sunset
Khomeini Square after Sunset
Summer Residence
Summer Residence
Si-O-Se Pol
Si-O-Se Pol
Sunrising over Tehran
Sunrising over Tehran
River and Mountains
River and Mountains
Morning Break
Morning Break
Sunset at Esfahan
Sunset at Esfahan
Swan Boats
Swan Boats
Taking Off
Taking Off
Khomeini Square at Dusk
Khomeini Square at Dusk
Morning Exercise
Morning Exercise
Morning Flights
Morning Flights
On Highway to Tehran
On Highway to Tehran
Golden Withered Leaf
Golden Withered Leaf
Sunrise along Zayandeh River
Sunrise along Zayandeh River
Tehran at Dusk
Tehran at Dusk
Khomeini Square at Dusk
Khomeini Square at Dusk
Skyscraper in Tehran
Skyscraper in Tehran
Swan Boats
Swan Boats
Tree Shadows
Tree Shadows
Imam Square in Evening
Imam Square in Evening