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Reflections by Ruth | all galleries >> Scenes by State >> Beach & Lighthouse Scenes > Cape May Lighthouse
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2004-09-25 Ruth C. Taylor

Cape May Lighthouse

Cape May, NJ

other sizes: small medium original auto
Reflections by Ruth14-Nov-2012 14:26
Guest, yes I do sell prints
Reflections by Ruth02-Jun-2010 22:33
To Guest: my pictures are NOT free for the taking. I license my photography professionally.

All photos are COPYRIGHTED with the US Copyright office
Guest 31-May-2010 16:58
if i did a project and needed to paste thaty pic it would never fit.........................
Reflections by Ruth14-Jun-2009 10:39
thanks Jojo. Since you live in Cape May, have you been to Sunset Beach Gift shop?
One of my Cape May beach scenes is now an 18x24 puzzle. :)
jojo 14-Jun-2009 02:50
That is spectacular! i live down in Cape May and we always see sunsets but that is wonderful!nice photo
Reflections by Ruth20-Sep-2007 01:41
Thanks Will :)
Go check out Sunset Beach Gift store at the entrance of Sunset Beach.
One of my Cape May Lighthouse beach scenes is on sale inside the store as an 18x24 puzzle :)

btw, were were down Cape May for 4 days last week. Stayed at the Beachcomber Resort :)
will Miller 20-Sep-2007 01:11
i live down there and go surfing at the cove every night...i see the sunset all the time...but thats a pretty nice one. nice shot
Jean D21-Oct-2006 03:37
An amazing sunset! The colours are truly exceptional. Your timing at this location was impeccable. Well done, Ruth! GMV.
Guest 21-Jul-2006 01:24
Exquisite. Last time I was in Cape May at the light a storm was rolling in. When the lightning got too near, they closed the lighthouse but it was quite a spectacular sight from the platform before that. I think I was shooting slides with a P/S minolta at the time.
I didn't realize that the lighthouse was still in use. I have a visit to Ocean City coming up...guess I'll plan a twilight detour to the Cape. Maybe a ferry ride too? I wonder how many of those old Victorian houses remain?
Thanks for the memories ;)
Maureen27-May-2006 20:14
The colors are wonderful. great shot!
Karen Moen24-Mar-2006 11:29
The color, the waves, the lighting are perfect. A lovely image. Voted.
Guest 28-Jan-2006 06:15
excellent light and color
Jim Woodworth23-Nov-2005 16:43
Spectacular!!! I really want to get back to that part of the country again, this time with my digital equipment.

Your photography skills are superb!
Cole Stone 22-Nov-2005 07:28
the lighthouse will haunt me til i pass from this place....i visit it every may 20th hoping to find my lost love
Ray Leung 21-Aug-2005 13:29
Very nice color
Yiannis Pavlis21-Aug-2005 12:27
great time for such a photo. light and color are superb.i was there couple weeks ago,but i didnt stayed that late .
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