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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> Photos taken with Nikon 35 1.4 at f1.4 > November 7 - Four Candles
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November 7 - Four Candles

I was lighting these candles getting ready to photograph another of Kylie's figurines when I thought "Hey! Let's just see what we can do with candles!" It ended up taking much longer than I thought because I really wanted it to be as symmetrical as possible. This meant a couple of trips back downstairs to move a candle a few millimeters, waiting for the air to settle so the candles would go straight up etc etc. In the end I'm so sick of these candle that I'm not sure if I've ended up with a photo I like or not. At least it's pretty much symmetrical, almost...

Anyway, I've used the 35mm lens again at it's closest focus and f/1.4 as I've done in a couple of others here. I've also posted this image at a higher resolution than I usually do because you just can see that the wick is sharp and so the whole image looks soft. If it's too large to fit on your screen click on 'large' or 'medium'.

Here's a photo of the setup for this photo:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 19-Nov-2006 18:22
Neat shot - it turned out very well. A good choice to put the fourth camera further back. My instinct would be to keep them equidistant, but it works better your way.
Bob B.08-Nov-2006 01:28
Excellent image. v