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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> All the Colour Has Gone Out of My Life > 20080117 - TITTC: The Eyes Have It
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20080117 - TITTC: The Eyes Have It

That is... an eye on this miserable weather! :(

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Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/1000s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 15-May-2008 01:15
Spooky and godlike.
Guido Hahnraths07-Apr-2008 21:47
Very scary, but I like it. It's not overdone
Guest 22-Jan-2008 02:16
amazing photo! kind of scary! ;-)
Malcolm Smith19-Jan-2008 16:18
Great work. Everything we do is overseen by PN ;)
Guest 18-Jan-2008 22:17
Wow this is cool. It looks so real. You did a great job on it.
laine8218-Jan-2008 21:46
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...!!! & you thought my doll was scary...get out of here !!!! ;>)
An De Wilde18-Jan-2008 14:27
great !
Barry S Moore18-Jan-2008 11:04
great artistry.... Scarry mood.
Victoria18-Jan-2008 09:19
Fabulous jpb, awesome indeed
Patricia Lay-Dorsey18-Jan-2008 05:24
Marvelous composite, Phillip!!
J. Scott Coile18-Jan-2008 04:35
Oh captain my captain. Brilliant stuff!
Nancy Lobaugh18-Jan-2008 04:14
excellent!! Great eyes! they let you out on the runway?????
Linda Willets18-Jan-2008 04:12
he's watching you...
Will Denney18-Jan-2008 02:37
big brother at his biggest! nicely done!
Guest 18-Jan-2008 02:02
Nice combination of shots - has a very spooky feel!
Cindi Smith18-Jan-2008 01:52
God is always watching us!
Dan Chusid18-Jan-2008 01:31
Heaven's above!
Guest 18-Jan-2008 01:04
wow lord of the eyes @-@
Sheila18-Jan-2008 00:24
Great treatment! Very creative.
Laura Sebastianelli17-Jan-2008 23:13
Excellent idea and well done!
Jola Dziubinska17-Jan-2008 23:03
Watching eyes, excellent.
Barbara Heide17-Jan-2008 22:52
fantastc, creative shot! big vote!
mathilda williams17-Jan-2008 22:20
oooh, big brother is really watching us !
beverley harrison17-Jan-2008 21:46
ooooo spooky...big brother is watching you!!
Antonio Ruggiero17-Jan-2008 21:39
Ottima photo....Bravo....
Lee Rudd17-Jan-2008 21:35
if only this was how weathermen really did it! :)
royalld17-Jan-2008 20:58
No one could have forecasted weather like that.
Great work.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 20:44
Reminds me of the mighty boosh!
Stewart Mitchell17-Jan-2008 20:38
....and unlike the satellites up there, these eyes can see through clouds, apparently!!
Ray :)17-Jan-2008 20:31
You look evil!
Michael Shpuntov17-Jan-2008 20:22
Very clever idea and creation. Very cool.
Ann...17-Jan-2008 20:17
Neat idea - you've got your head in the clouds again!!! LOL
Máire Uí Mhaicín17-Jan-2008 20:05
The Man in the Moon has escaped. Stop Press!!!
Nick Powell17-Jan-2008 20:01
Very creative, well done! V