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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM

Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1993
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Samples from 23424 available Photos more
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Devilgorgor12-Mar-2008 14:13
sharp lens, excellent built, faster than my Nikkor 50mm 1.4D, I have both canon 50mm f1.8 markII and f1.8 metal, but can't beat 50mm 1.4USM
Sylvain B.14-Sep-2007 09:24
oops I frogot some references: my grandmom's portrait at f2.2 the boss at f1.8
and an f1.4 indoor almost no light.
Sylvain B.14-Sep-2007 09:17
My favorite carry around prime lens.
Excellent in low light condition.
Beautiful bokeh. Perfect for portraiture! This lens is the one giving me the best results among all others I own. It's definitely a must have!
Guest 29-Jul-2007 16:39
Got my one on Saturday, good copy, sharp wide open, tack sharp from F1.8, some CA upto F2 on backlight subjects. Excellent value compared to L version, loving it. Used 1Dmark 11N focus is spot on, which would explain why my copy is sharp wide open. Highly recommended must have lens.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 12:43
I am a photography student with not much money to my name.
However this was my first new lens since the original; eos 350d kit lens
and I can tell you now that I am thoroughly satisfied with the quality.
the colours render beautifully and if you were to decide between the 1.4 or the 1.8,
i'd definately recommend the 1.4 as it saves you upgrading and its well worth the price!
Guest 19-May-2007 21:08
Great Lens!!! I bought is together with Canon 30d and it works perfectly!!! Great Colours and sharpness. Highly Recomended
See couple of my phothos
Guest 19-May-2007 21:00
Great Lens!!! I bought is together with Canon 30d and it works perfectly!!! Great Colours and sharpness. Highly Recomended
See couple of my phothos
Adalberto Tiburzi16-Apr-2007 20:51
Great lens on 5D.
Enjoy ;-)
Guest 18-Aug-2006 22:02
This 50mm is amazing. I truly love it. I debated a long time between the 1.8 and the 1.4. In the end, I figured I'd never replace it again so get the 1.4. I love it - the images it makes are staggering. Still - it's pricy compared to the 1.8 - but not to L series lenses. I think it's worth it. I read online it had barrel distortion wide open - and it does if you really study the image - but that's perfectly OK with me for the 1.4 shallow depth of field. Normal people will never see that at all. One drawback you may not think of is that beautiful wide open 1.4 aperture is not available to you if there is much light. It's so fast it's easy to overexpose - even with 1/4000th of a second shutter. It takes awesome portraits - awesome landscapes. This is a must have lens in every EOS owner's bag. Don't get the 1.8 and wish you got this one. Get this one and start taking great photos.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Guest 30-Jul-2006 17:13
Some pretty astounding samples from the Canon 5D + Canon 50mm f/1.4 combo linked up at :>
Guest 11-Jun-2006 18:22
I love this lens. For pure quality it is the favourite lens I own. It's very fast and it's super sharp. I have a gallery of photos taken with this lens at:
Guest 30-May-2006 19:52
This is a low light portrait performer. Combined with high ISO, suddenly night shoots with atmosphere are possible. Bye bye terrible flash.

Please visit:
Guest 08-May-2006 08:46
The portraits in this series taken by Jose with the 50mm f/1.4 stand out from the rest which were shot with the 85mm f/1.8 and Canon 24-105 - just a preference of mine :>
Guest 26-Apr-2006 01:38
Quite simply, I love it. Accurate and perfect all over. Be sure you know what you're doing at wide apertures, but if you do, this lens will fit right in with your kit.
Adalberto Tiburzi15-Oct-2005 03:51
The 50 f/1,4 on a full format digital camera here
Some tests here
Canon-300D17-Mar-2005 22:48
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