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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sky and Beyond > Sunset Mammatus
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10 July 2017 Sam Rua

Sunset Mammatus

Tucson, AZ

A close up of the mammatus clouds from a recent sunset.

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janescottcumming16-Jul-2017 14:18
That's crazy...looks like pink cotton balls.
Martin Lamoon16-Jul-2017 14:13
These look amazing, great picture.
Walter Otto Koenig15-Jul-2017 17:42
Fantastic shapes and colors.
davidksmith15-Jul-2017 15:48
very nice Sam.
globalgadabout15-Jul-2017 14:30
a melody of form and colour..
Marcia Rules15-Jul-2017 13:30
Like pink cotton candy! Send them to my house.
Stephanie15-Jul-2017 12:34
What an amazing sky! The clouds remind me of cottonballs and the colors are delicious! V
Range View 15-Jul-2017 07:46
Fine example of these clouds in this marvelous sunset image Sam.
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