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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sky and Beyond > Summer Monsoon Sunset
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10 July 2017 Sam Rua

Summer Monsoon Sunset

Tucson, AZ

Our summer monsoon got off to a late start this year, with today being the first day of a typical monsoon storm.
This was the wonderful sunset that was provided after a nice downpour that dropped the temps to around 80 F.

This is a merge of three exposures for a light HDR treatment --- not a real exaggeration of the stunning colors.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
janescottcumming13-Jul-2017 16:28
A striking image.
Martin Lamoon11-Jul-2017 20:05
Great capture of this fantastic sky.
Nirvan Hope11-Jul-2017 17:09
A stunning sky!
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jul-2017 16:28
Awesome sunset. I like the complexity of the cloudscape and these colors. "V"
pkocinski11-Jul-2017 14:53
Absolutely gorgeous Sam!
Dan Greenberg11-Jul-2017 14:26
That is phenomenal Sam. How long does the season last? ~BV~
danad11-Jul-2017 13:43
Fantastic sky ! V.
Hank Vander Velde11-Jul-2017 13:38
BEAUTIFUL Sam. Must have been a sight to behold. What great colors.
davidksmith11-Jul-2017 13:17
Wonderful image. This captures the mood of the impending storm.
Jim Coffman11-Jul-2017 13:02
Absolutely stunning, Sam!
globalgadabout11-Jul-2017 06:53
there is a hint of mammatus clouds here, energized by the splayed rays just above the horizon...a vibrant scene with the suggestion of more lively skies ahead...
Bill Miller11-Jul-2017 05:21
Excellent evening colours for a dramatic sky.
larose forest photos11-Jul-2017 04:20
Fantastic shot! That sky and those colours are amazing. V
Carol E Sandgren11-Jul-2017 04:15
What colors! I can see why you wouldn't have to exaggerate the colors at all. Great textures too!
joseantonio11-Jul-2017 03:51
such an amazing sky.....Very nice work.V
Neil Marcus11-Jul-2017 03:11
A magnificent sky, Sam "V"S
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