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Bill Ewart Jr | all galleries >> Galleries >> September Challenge 2014 > Several.jpg
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Several trees used in making this dock!!

Canon EOS 60D
1/60s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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J. Scott Coile01-Oct-2014 15:26
Pulling me in..........
pkocinski01-Oct-2014 12:33
Well done Bill!
Cindi Smith01-Oct-2014 03:58
Good job! Really pulls you in! V
Coleen Perilloux Landry01-Oct-2014 03:14
Great shot. Love these kind. V You did so well in the challenge.
John Lamb01-Oct-2014 02:44
A spectacular end to the challenge Bill. ~v~
Timothy Guenther01-Oct-2014 01:34
Wonderful shot!
Stephanie30-Sep-2014 23:45
Whoa!!!! Fabulous ending to a fun month Bill! BV
Terry Sprague30-Sep-2014 23:07
fabulous! V
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