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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 60D

Canon EOS 60D SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 26-Aug-2010
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 18
Random Canon EOS 60D Samples from 236609 available Photos more
g10/13/928913/3/166434748.ITxLAyGD.jpg g9/85/768385/3/160109229.CrufeVEB.jpg g9/57/599257/3/154749842.FSvpObk6.jpg g4/99/743799/3/143086867.FUKHfw30.jpg
g9/29/406229/3/151369698.NatJ5of2.jpg g4/89/995089/3/139243689.BtPmcMo4.jpg g9/97/771497/3/154331061.iREBBNHE.jpg g4/92/749792/3/145122481.bjEEoUeO.jpg
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gardengirl1305-Sep-2011 16:32
Excellent camera! I went from the 30D to the 50D and wasn't every really happy. When my needs slightly changed I sold it for the 60D and wow!! Better ISO noise control, better focusing and dare I say better IQ. I was worried it would be more of a down grade since they kind of divided the xxD line, but I was wrong!
Guest 05-Apr-2011 07:04
Fantastic camera, great improvement from 50D and excellent noise treatment (like 7D).
I use it with 70-200mm IS f4 and with 17-55mm IS f2.8 lenses and I have to confess that the results are really superb !
Here some photos taken during the carnival street parade in Trieste:

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