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Luis Borruel | all galleries >> Galleries >> Your favourites > Jokulsarlon
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Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC
1/160s f/6.3 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Barry Ailetcher07-Aug-2008 03:48
looks cold and it is a Outstanding image
images_of_texas12-Jan-2008 18:23
Just sensational. I can almost FEEL the cold coming from my monitor.
Bill Morgenstern01-Dec-2007 21:50
Very coooool indeed! Texture and light are superb.
Guest 16-Aug-2007 02:18
Fantastic! V
Dennis 16-Jan-2007 12:36
I've been here also. Beautiful....
Guest 28-Nov-2006 20:36
don nieman09-Oct-2006 02:23
This is definitely a very cool photograph.
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