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19th October 2006 © neil hanson


Part of the weekly :::: Thursday Challenge ::::

Alternative entry:::: Zoe's Smile ::::

For list of entries - 'Catch a Smile'

all images © neil hanson: unauthorised use of images without expressed written permission is prohibited

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 30-Oct-2006 01:55
A great take on the challenge and you've taken it very literally. Good job it wasn't die laughing!
Guest 25-Oct-2006 02:50
arminb23-Oct-2006 21:45
Sue Robertson22-Oct-2006 11:25
My goodness, what a great shot!. v
Nicki Thurgar21-Oct-2006 21:33
How come I missed this!! It's fantastic! ~V~
Guest 20-Oct-2006 21:13
That's a great image - very well porcessed and a cracking idea Neil. Raises a smile!
Dave Wixx20-Oct-2006 15:50
Cool - interesting.
Focus20-Oct-2006 15:49
Very clever and creative....voted.
Wei O'Connell20-Oct-2006 04:32
Outstanding! vote
Linda Willets20-Oct-2006 04:29
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2006 03:01
Neat idea! Great treatment!
Bill Warren20-Oct-2006 02:03
Well you have also been literal in approaching the challenge. Well done.
shatterbug20-Oct-2006 00:30
Brilliant idea and execution! V.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:38
Very good idea for challenge. GMV
Neil Horner19-Oct-2006 21:40
brilliant ! , voted!
chrisse19-Oct-2006 21:27
Wow, how did you do that ??? Great entry, big vote.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:52
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:49
Howzat !! for a catch.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:29
wernere0119-Oct-2006 20:12
Brilliant, you sure will catch that smile. gmv
Carole Stevens19-Oct-2006 19:51
Fantastic Neil love this entry great idea so creative!V!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 19:44
GMS and GMV!
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 19:42
I love this one! When I first saw it, I heard a little voice in my head say...'always lowering prices'! Should be a wal-mart ad!
Ray :)19-Oct-2006 19:07
Smiles are too precious to drop..
Ian York19-Oct-2006 19:01
Catching that glint in the eye is some shot
You couldn't have got a better outcome if you had put it there yourself ; )...

Great Idea, and PS work
purpod19-Oct-2006 18:40
Both of your entries are eye-catching & fun ~ nice job on both!
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:28
love the creativity neil!! well done!!
Johnny JAG19-Oct-2006 18:13
Definitely far to clever.
JW19-Oct-2006 17:49
That's just showing off! LOL

Greta stuff!
CJ Burianek19-Oct-2006 16:55
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:18
Verbatim, indeed.
Nicely done.
Donnaray19-Oct-2006 16:11
caveman_lee19-Oct-2006 15:49
You grasp the theme very well. GMV
Sharon Rogers19-Oct-2006 15:30
clever and fun shot! v>
Guest 19-Oct-2006 15:06
Creative and fun!
You really caught the smile ...and a wink,Neil. Love it.
joanteno19-Oct-2006 14:30
So cool..
Michael Shpuntov19-Oct-2006 14:10
Clever and I like this "comet" effect. Great entry. Vote
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:08
Perfect. Love the twinkle. ~Voted~
Lee Rudd19-Oct-2006 13:21
theres a twinkle in your eye! good one!
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:34
Outside the box and fun!
Deborah Lewis19-Oct-2006 12:21
Great shot!
Yvonne19-Oct-2006 12:05
Wow - this one is really clever! Superbly done!
Jen Bixler19-Oct-2006 11:38
Yes, and it is a great image!
Al Chesworth19-Oct-2006 11:30
A super image, slow speed and pop.
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 11:09
WOW, great work! GMV
Barbara Heide19-Oct-2006 11:04
excellent entry! this is cute! voted
Guest 19-Oct-2006 11:02
Excellent! VOTED
Stu19-Oct-2006 10:15
Ha ha like it.
Sheila19-Oct-2006 09:58
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 09:56
Don't let it fall :)))
Creative work.
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 09:46
Yes! You're catching it! :))
Wonderful idea and execution!