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17th October 2006 © neil hanson

Fly Agaric


Amanita Muscaria

Thanks to Mathew Jellings for the location tip off. So many I didn't know where to start!
Watch out for Mathew's amazing work (soon to be on Pbase), he's a very talented 16 year old!

Some examples of his work here..... HERE

all images © neil hanson: unauthorised use of images without expressed written permission is prohibited

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Guest 02-Oct-2007 19:38
Very beautiful!
Matthew Jellings16-Dec-2006 16:43 - The same fungi just earlier, prefer your shot due to the smaller DOF. You know what they say about great minds think alike lol.
Terri Steele23-Oct-2006 21:21
Fabulous fungi shot.... oooooh I am soooo jealous!
Tricia21-Oct-2006 04:17
This is gorgeous! Hhow amazing to see so many grouped together like this. Did you get tummy ache after taking that bite out though?
chrisse17-Oct-2006 21:19
Oh they are so beautiful, how lucky you are to have found these.
pda_pin17-Oct-2006 21:10
Great capture. Nice subtile colors.
Naomi 17-Oct-2006 20:50
Colorful family of mushrooms.
Sharon Rogers17-Oct-2006 19:26
I hope you're feeling ok after taking that bite out of one! Lovely family group.
Al Chesworth17-Oct-2006 18:49
Beauties, never actually seen one.
Carole Stevens17-Oct-2006 18:46
Stunning Ive wanted to photograph these for years!Big vote!
Johnny JAG17-Oct-2006 18:29
I agree with Edwina, outstanding shot.
edwina beaumont17-Oct-2006 18:26
Probably the best picture of theses I have ever seen
Matthew Jellings17-Oct-2006 18:20
Wo! Thats really weird! I took exactly the same fungus 2 days ago, from exactly the same spot! They were a lot smaller then!
Macastat17-Oct-2006 17:55
Guest 17-Oct-2006 17:52
Someone took a bite..beautiful...v
Thierry Lucas17-Oct-2006 17:13
Very nice shot.
Nicki Thurgar17-Oct-2006 17:05
WOW!! I wanna go there too!! What a fabulous bunch of fairy toadstools - never seen them clustered like this before! Fab angle too - V!
Marcia Colelli17-Oct-2006 16:47
very pretty mushrooms, nice shot
Ian York17-Oct-2006 16:37
Did you get a little hungly during the shoot.....
beverley harrison17-Oct-2006 16:35
are'nt they gorgeous!!