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Roger Bailey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Buildings > Odeon Cinema.
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Odeon Cinema.

On the banks of the river in Lincoln

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Barry Ailetcher10-Sep-2012 18:06
nice looking shot
Ann27-Aug-2011 17:21
Looks a grand cinema in a pretty location.
Ed Duverger27-Aug-2011 10:00
A very nice spot for a cinema.
Bea.27-Aug-2011 01:06
Nice shot with contrasts of old and new.
Steve Thuman27-Aug-2011 00:52
So modern looking, especially next to the Royal William IV
Laura Milholland26-Aug-2011 22:57
Pretty shot in a lovely setting, Roger. I love ALL the swans too! We never see them like that in our area.
Graham P. 26-Aug-2011 22:52
The Royal William IV looks inviting - the Odeon looks very bright and brash alongside it
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