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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> photo_a_day_projects >> photo_a_day_2006 > 22 June - looking up under a frilly poppy
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22 June - looking up under a frilly poppy

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Douglas Stucky23-Jun-2006 11:19
Nice shot Nicky!!
Donald Verger23-Jun-2006 09:15
this is a fun and surprising and wonderful image!
and pov!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 05:52
Excellent looking up the gorgeous flowers. Lovelt color!!!
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:25
I've done this before but you have to watch where you lay your head. The point of view is excellent and has great colors! Very nice shot looking up at the flowers!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 02:22
Like pompoms! Nice
Guest 23-Jun-2006 00:17
Very nice image :O)
Sheila23-Jun-2006 00:15
They look gorgeous against those fluffy clouds and blue sky.
Yvonne22-Jun-2006 23:39
Luscious shot of the blooms.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:15
Fantastic Pov Nicky, love it
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 22:04
Both are well done. I love the color and down low perspective on these beautiful poppies.
Jessica McCollum22-Jun-2006 22:00
Looks like it was worth it to lay in the garden! Lovely shot...such a pretty pink!
shatterbug22-Jun-2006 21:36
Lovely! Great colors! A pleasant sight to "look up" to!
Faye White22-Jun-2006 20:21
Guest 22-Jun-2006 20:11
Fun shot!
Scott Browne22-Jun-2006 20:09
Very nice shot. Love the sky as the background.
laine8222-Jun-2006 20:07
Gorgeous POV. Love those colours
Lee Rudd22-Jun-2006 19:05
they are towering over you! Love those colours
beverley harrison22-Jun-2006 19:05
love the pov!!
Johnny JAG22-Jun-2006 18:55
That's a lovely view.
Graham Tomlin22-Jun-2006 18:43
very nice regards Heleen
Jola Dziubinska22-Jun-2006 17:52
Excellent capture looking up, nice colors.
nordic22-Jun-2006 17:50
Crawling around in the undergrowth again Nicky!!
Excellent pov!!
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