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Muskrat's Photos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fish > Tiger Muskellunge
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Tiger Muskellunge

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Stephen Buckingham01-Dec-2012 02:30
Nice Musky!
Guest 31-May-2012 15:29
this is the coolest fish i ever seen!
Guest 15-Mar-2011 07:05
This shot is framed very nicely, the lighting on its scales suits it elegantly
Roberto 08-Jul-2010 07:22
A truley awesome creature
vanessa 14-May-2010 04:16
i think its doing a state report on wisconsin and that is the state fish.
Guest 24-Oct-2009 14:50
awesome! Best science project pic ever!
Guest 18-May-2009 16:39
Larry Hallydoo 11-Feb-2008 23:40
I love the picture! I'm doing a project on the muskellunge so i love it!
Ashley Hockenberry20-Nov-2006 22:09
Good one
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