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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > White Sands 20060322
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White Sands 20060322

In sunset glow

Photographed at the White Sands National Monument near Alamogordo, New Mexico USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/250s f/9.0 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 06-Feb-2008 09:12
great depth
Peter Sussex02-Feb-2008 23:04
Brilliant geometry!
Guest 12-Nov-2007 14:19
I love this - so simple but beautiful
Guest 06-Oct-2007 07:15
Beautiful - and the ridges go on for ever.....
Helen Betts29-Sep-2007 15:22
Haunting image, outstanding color, light and perspective. V. Helen
Chad Ramsey23-Sep-2007 18:13
What a tranquil image~V
Tom Briggs17-Sep-2007 21:46
I don't think they get any better than this one ... voted
regi olbrechts22-Feb-2007 10:37
super shot...
Guest 07-Dec-2006 14:16
Reflections by Ruth20-May-2006 14:39
wow, love the hues of blue and that peachy sky. striking composition
Guest 30-Mar-2006 14:46
ltolksdorf28-Mar-2006 08:30
MacPhot26-Mar-2006 18:09
and another stunner!
purpod24-Mar-2006 19:27
A seductive shot of Mother Earth ~ Stunning! GMV2
Guest 24-Mar-2006 13:25
Great Shot!
Yi Feng23-Mar-2006 18:03
Simple and beautiful!
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor23-Mar-2006 13:08
Azlin Ahmad23-Mar-2006 05:06
Gorgeous combination of warm and cold colours.
Guest 23-Mar-2006 02:06
Carmen23-Mar-2006 02:05
Almost unreal. Great composition in this, with just the right amount of sky.
Craig Persel23-Mar-2006 00:09
Outstanding. Vote.
Guest 22-Mar-2006 23:55
Very nice shot!
Stu22-Mar-2006 23:52
Wonderful shot.
Ian Clowes22-Mar-2006 23:49
Rene Hales22-Mar-2006 23:48
Beautiful colors and lines. Well done!--Rene