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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > White Tiger 3594
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White Tiger 3594

Photographed at the Montgomery Zoo, Montgomery, Alabama USA.

Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/10.0 at 240.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lennart Waara25-Dec-2010 09:16
Excellent portrait! V
Gonen01-Jul-2010 10:35
Birte Person10-Feb-2010 23:20
Excellent shot,love these white tigers.V
Ser Pat26-Feb-2009 21:10
Bellissima ! V.
PhotoDoc26-Jul-2008 21:19
Terrific - great eyes!
Kathy Pilgrim26-Feb-2008 17:02
This is fantastic. I would love to see one of these white tigers close up. Thanks for saying where you photographed him. We could ge there. Again, this is really great as is all your photography. Big V
Guest 21-Jan-2007 23:56