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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Macro & Close-up Gallery > Gone To Seed 20080801
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Gone To Seed 20080801

Closeup of what was once a flower of some kind

Photographed in Ottawa, Ontario - the capital of Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
houseofcors22-Aug-2008 01:18
So excellent!
Lamar Nix03-Aug-2008 16:04
Astonishing image - diaphanous leaves bathed in an appropriately delicate light from beneath giving way to darker green at the top make an unusual and superior image. V
Wenche Aune02-Aug-2008 09:01
Beautiful close up. V
TuTmin02-Aug-2008 05:05
Fantastic ! perfectly seen and taken.~V~
Adeline02-Aug-2008 04:17
Lokks like a series of wine glasses. Vote for an excellent job.
Naret Visesvongsa02-Aug-2008 03:06
Beautiful close up work. V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther01-Aug-2008 21:30
Beautiful! Lovely colours and light! V
Paul Keates01-Aug-2008 20:49
Great image....V
Bill Gallagher01-Aug-2008 20:48
Excellent lighting and framing of the shot. V
Patricia Kay01-Aug-2008 19:02
Beautiful....I love seedheads.....they are a promise of new flowers! V
Silvia Roitman01-Aug-2008 18:19
Guest 01-Aug-2008 17:53
just beautiful! we love the way you took this. V
Meggi Raeder01-Aug-2008 15:39
Beautiful mood and light in this image - well captured!
Peter Stubley01-Aug-2008 15:24
Very nice -- delicate sense of light, nice simple composition.
angelique raptakis01-Aug-2008 14:35
beautiful! v
Steve Mockford01-Aug-2008 13:18
Wonderful point of view, and great control of subtle tonal gradation...well done Gordon