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tj Hoffman | profile | all galleries >> travel_adventures >> belize_archaeology >> Nohmul, Orangewalk, Belize, Central America >> ancient belize, a formative experience. . . tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

ancient belize, a formative experience. . .

allen lutins was already a veteran of excavating NOHMUL, Belize at the commencement of the 1985 field season. allen was an interesting fellow-student during the 1980's & he continues to be an articulate and unique individual. These field operations were truly formative experiences for all involved. Memories and dreams are sure to follow everyone who entered the magic of 'las ruinas', amongst the jungle and swamps of Belize. . .
Guillermo Veloso-1983- Belikin Beers!
Guillermo Veloso-1983- Belikin Beers!
Small Finds 1985.
:: Small Finds 1985. ::
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