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Marcel de Jong | all galleries >> themes >> Trees > Moreton Bay Fig
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Marcel C. de Jong

Moreton Bay Fig

Western Australia

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Jude Haase13-Jul-2008 05:47
very nice
Markus Grompe01-Mar-2008 22:54
hey, you already won once with this foto...
Guest 21-Apr-2007 18:50
Brilliant man...
Bernard Bosmans19-Apr-2007 11:09
What a powerful image, this firmly rooted tree will outlive us. Magnificent shot Marcel.
Guest 11-Dec-2006 21:11
really wonderful.v.
Guest 22-Jun-2005 02:20
très belle prise!
Evaristo Buendia Carrera16-Jun-2005 00:59
I love it.
Brian Klimowski05-Jan-2005 05:29
I think this is my favorite of this gallery - strong composition with great lines; it really brings the viewer 'into' the image.
Guest 26-Jul-2004 07:23
nice shot
Zane Paxton15-May-2004 02:06
Very nice!