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Margaret Lew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reflections > Canal in San Marco 0544
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Canal in San Marco 0544


Reflections of red brick and stucco in green water.

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/400s f/4.0 at 11.5mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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irislynx13-Jun-2012 00:54
Beautiful, Reminds me of an oil painting!
larose forest photos28-Jan-2011 02:05
Why can't I just step into this photo! This is a beautiful, compelling shot, truly a fine composition with everything seamlessly perfect. V
Ken Zaret06-Apr-2008 22:57
wonderful, like a painting. great reflections.
Nick Ayre02-Jan-2008 03:01
Really nice shot - well done!!
Markus Grompe29-Oct-2007 00:57
This is indeed a nice one...
Markus Grompe29-Oct-2007 00:57
This is indeed a nice one...
Guest 06-Oct-2007 06:04
Great shot, I agree about the crop. Thanks for sharing.
Andrys Basten02-Apr-2007 06:30
Right. This one looks like an OIL painting. Very RICH.
Karen Mickleson 01-Apr-2007 22:41
Indeed! Great crop, too :-) Just lovely framing, M.
Mary Ann Campbell01-Apr-2007 15:50
A painting.