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Margaret Lew | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Reflections tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A collection of reflections in windows, mirrors, waters and other shiny surfaces.

Canal in San Marco  0544 Vittorio Veneto bar  0142 An egret hunting for dinner1038 Canal view in San Marco 0560
Visitors in the rain4292 Rocks and birds0217 Koi   3191 Vittorio Veneto bar   0141
Seeing double  0487 Bridge in Castello  0361 Reflections II4703 A flotilla in North LakeN0294
Reflections I   0579 Family outing  0488 Reflecting II4634 Reflections of Santa Barbara II3143
Reflections II  0581 Pond I4153 Pond with water lilies4120 3842.jpg
Hargrove Music Library4574 Reflections in the cloister, Chiesa di San Lorenzo5707 Reflection  0478 A final view of the Castel6973
Reflections I4699 Reflecting I4633 Hargrove Music Library & reflections4577 Heron and two geese 4171c
Trees reflected1028 Twilight reflections1024 Mallard trio5255 Golden reflections4149
Twilight colors1041 Reeds in Middle LakeN_0273 Egret and Geese4170 Many delightful things5525
North Lake reflectionsN_0295 Traffic mirror  0237 Shades of evening8261 Twilight on the Arno8142
Blue reflections 3206 Final view of Pisa over the Arno8141 Pond II4154 St. Peter's Basilica and the Castel Sant'Angelo6911
View in a mirror0032 Dolci and reflections II5528 North LakeN_0300 South LakeN_0332
Golden reflections5570 Lloyd Lake5240 I Love Man5521 Pisa reflected in the Arno8138
Window dressing7881 Reflections of Santa Barbara IV3145 Reflections of Rome6663 Reflections of Santa Barbara  I3142
Reflections of Santa Barbara V3146 Wintery reflections7865 California Bakery on Piazza Sant'Eustorgio7876 In the distance the Neo-Gothic campanile of Santa Croce 8205
Dolci and reflections I5527 Sunset paints the Arno8257 Reflections of Santa Barbara III3144 Two visitors from the north4167
Portals of the Past5241 Castel Sant'Angelo6914 Watery impressions6974 Pond III4155
Santa Croce and taxis reflected7946 The Duomo reflected8123 Waterfowl at sunset 8259 On the Rio2920
A Restaurant on the Piazza7913 Reflections on Lungarno Torrigiani8202 Reflections3283.jpg Caffe Reflections3503
Ponte Flaminio3956 Peach colored lace and the reflection of the Basilica4761 Reflections4831 The Dome Reflected6235
Pink Chandelier5043 Sant'Agostino, Reflected5077 Music Store in Old Town0133 Reflections on Via S. Michele8749
Canal View from Via Umberto I8791 The Barista9024 Reflections8873 Layers and reflections 8923
Reflections in the Moat8983 Reflections of Via Val D'Aposa7263 8041.jpg Flowers and Reflection7896
The Prato's Canal6329 Reflections6387 Winter Flowers6296 Reflections7044
Reflections9973 Looking Both Ways0158 Study in circles1587 Reflections on Sacramento Street5146cr
*24*A tidal pool *25*Curiosity The Discovery Tidepool1884 Into the sunlight, Pt. Molate 1890LABgs.jpg
Reflections on Piazza di Madonna degli Aldobrandini3693 Reflection0830 Reflections0138.jpg