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Margaret Lew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites. . . yours and mine > Gondola on Rio di Palazzo della Canonica 0349
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Gondola on Rio di Palazzo della Canonica 0349


First Place in Pbase 79th Show and Tell Competition: Icon

In the background a crowd of tourists enjoys the view of
the Ponte dei Sospiri from the Ponte della Paglia.

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/500s f/4.0 at 19.6mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Andres Sanchez23-Apr-2008 20:20
beautiful image, congrats on winning!
Guest 08-Apr-2008 02:56
Outstanding capture, I went there and took this pic. Hope you like it.

Barry S Moore07-Apr-2008 22:18
Congratualtion on the wellplaced win. I had to read up on this fascinating place. Here s is my link FYI ~V~
J Rayner06-Apr-2008 20:50
1st Place in the 79th S and T Comp.
Great image, well done!

monica memoli06-Apr-2008 11:50
Congrats! v
Mary Ann Campbell29-Mar-2007 15:41
Love this! The fog really makes it.