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McGarva | all galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) >> Monochromatic Gallery > Power of Light
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18-Sep-11 McGarva

Power of Light

Aberdeen, Scotland

A chink in the sky on a very rainy driech day in the North East of Scotland
The shaft of light lit the Aberdeen harbour entrance up wonderfully
This is not converted to black in white, these were the true colours

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Karen Moen23-Dec-2014 23:11
Now that is sky light!! Voted.
Ehud Dekel09-Feb-2013 19:09
Extarordinary capture. Ehud
Muhammad Ali Yasir 28-Mar-2012 07:35
some time it frightens display of power
Steve Morris08-Mar-2012 11:40
Just stunning!!BV
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)26-Nov-2011 20:49
Amazing display to have witness and captured so well…BZ-V!
Arthur Lebacq18-Nov-2011 09:30
Indeed i's really power...very well captured....a great shot.....V.
Fletcher Wildlife Garden11-Nov-2011 02:33
This is an amazing moment, captured beautifully. The light is powerful and the entire image jaw-droppingly good. V
Guest 10-Oct-2011 14:05
Wow! amazing moment!
Schwarz Noël06-Oct-2011 19:10
2 words : Beautiful & Waouuuhhhh !!!
On the right time on the right place !!! - BV -
Andrew Thomas24-Sep-2011 09:25
Haven't visited for a little while-but with this shot, it was worth the wait- superb image!
Sam Rua21-Sep-2011 21:17
Well seen and captured. If there ever were to be a definitive example of a light pillar, this would be that.
Alexander Kazakov21-Sep-2011 19:35
Fantastic! V
Photo.Keely20-Sep-2011 20:09
Powerful image! V.
Skip W20-Sep-2011 19:23
Amazing. What a brilliant shot. Amazing that it's true color. Looks black and white to me. Splendid.
Patricia Kay20-Sep-2011 17:50
Absolutely fantastic shot Tony...BV
J. Scott Coile19-Sep-2011 21:28
POWERFUL! Bravo!!!
nrcorby19-Sep-2011 19:24
Impressive. And welcome to Aberdeen whoever you are.
Dek Grant19-Sep-2011 18:51
spectacular...and yes biblical !.
LynnH18-Sep-2011 22:59
Just wonderful, Tony. Wow, you were blessed to witness this dramatic moment! And an awesome photo of it too! V
tinkerb18-Sep-2011 19:43
Truely amazing - stunning capture. Just goes to shoe on grey old day there can be a moment of magic. V
John Lamb18-Sep-2011 19:35
Leonard Cohen said it best in Anthem

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

We asked for signs
the signs were sent:
the birth betrayed
the marriage spent
Yeah the widowhood
of every government --
signs for all to see.
goelsamuel18-Sep-2011 18:55
WOW! This is magic! Stunning shot! V++
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad18-Sep-2011 16:59
Wow! Don't you feel blessed to have witnessed/experienced that? Voted
Stewart Mitchell18-Sep-2011 14:36
A keyhole in the sky.....and what huge drama you have captured. Print it large!!!
Johnny JAG18-Sep-2011 14:20
Kevin Chester18-Sep-2011 13:27
I feel like the feel of this, it makes you feel that little bit more humble than before you glanced at it.
Phillip Normanton18-Sep-2011 12:39
A hole in the cloud - was it letting something out... or in?! Very dramatic either way!
Brian Samuel18-Sep-2011 12:20
Wow! How unusual for a whole like that in a stormy sky. This is a cracker!
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