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McGarva | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) > High Tide BW
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20-Feb-11 McGarva

High Tide BW

Aberdeen, Scotland

Kind of liked this in Black & White with its high tonal range

It been a week of high seas, high winds and amazing scenes at the harbour breakwater in Aberdeen
A friendly passer by informed me that today will be the highest tide of the year at 4.8 metres
Anyway it was pretty spectacular and sat for about an hour in amazement

More of my Aberdeen gallery at


other sizes: small medium original auto
Mike Bishop31-Mar-2014 16:04
Black and white for sure. I love your bw images, and really appreciate your technical notes. V.
claude05-Jul-2012 13:41
Powerful image !
patou01-Jul-2012 13:19
C est top ( v )
Guest 01-Feb-2012 00:29
Absolutely wonderful. Scotland's on my bucket list for sure.

Arthur Lebacq07-Dec-2011 11:12
An amazing shot....very well timed....nicely done.....V.
Jean-Rene A31-Mar-2011 11:46
Very impressive and courageaus !
Milos Markovic21-Mar-2011 21:16
Perfection !
Steve Morris14-Mar-2011 16:45
High octane tidal power capture in all its beauty!! Love the B&W version!BV
Robert Strachan13-Mar-2011 16:58
Cracking shot!
Marc Vermeulen10-Mar-2011 12:28
Fantastic action.
Dan Greenberg10-Mar-2011 04:58
Amazing catch! And like always, you really made the most of it! ~BV~
Hans Koot08-Mar-2011 22:29
frozen in beaty! spectacular
LynnH08-Mar-2011 19:08
Amazing capture of the moment. I love how the water has a flat edge from the impact/push. You really did a wonderful job with this! V
Wenche Aune07-Mar-2011 23:31
Fantastic! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Mar-2011 18:23
My favorite,incredible shot,bravo! V
Bartosz Kotulski07-Mar-2011 08:33
superb. so powerful. looks so nice;)
J. Scott Coile07-Mar-2011 00:39
Major print-worthy image. I love both but lean toward the B&W.
tinkerb06-Mar-2011 21:30
Looks even more powerful in B&W, mind I think it would look good in sky blue and pink!! V
Colin Storey06-Mar-2011 13:11
Stunning, I prefer the b/w image also.
Skip W06-Mar-2011 09:18
Great timing. Nice having the birds in there for additional points of interest. B&W works for me.
lou_rozensteins06-Mar-2011 08:24
A wonderful shot with the sharp water and the birds. Well done.
Walter Otto Koenig06-Mar-2011 02:09
A 4.8 meter tide is amazing as is this photograph of this wave. In my opinion it works much better in b&w. Fantastic work Tony.
Ann...05-Mar-2011 21:58
WOW!! Superb!
Mairéad05-Mar-2011 21:09
Very powerful.
Phillip Normanton05-Mar-2011 20:52
Yep, looks even more dramatic in mono! :)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Mar-2011 20:12
Fantastic! BV
nrcorby05-Mar-2011 20:06
The BW cuts the mustard for me.
Pete Hemington05-Mar-2011 20:03
Great shot and I agree - well suited to B&W
Guest 05-Mar-2011 19:57
Great timing & comp. Works very well as a mono image... BV
Johnny JAG05-Mar-2011 19:36
Amazingly powerful capture.
John Hamers05-Mar-2011 18:43
Awesome image !!!!
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