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McGarva | all galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) >> Nigg Bay Gallery > Harbour Breakwater
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06-SEP-2008 McGarva

Harbour Breakwater


Stormy sea and high winds created a great effect on the Aberdeen Harbour Breakwater

Canon EOS 30D
1/125s f/10.0 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ann Cleeves13-Nov-2011 17:30
This is so beautiful...fantastic scene, great light and shades of blue. Love it!
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE323-Sep-2010 20:39
I love this shot! Voted!
M Hauss05-Apr-2010 18:36
Intense shot. The atmosphere created by the clouds and the waterfall is amazing.
Aaron Keigher04-Apr-2010 02:56
Great shot. I love the powerful sky and the rushing water. nice job.

mart senior21-Dec-2009 19:20
David Bannister01-Dec-2009 11:44
Oh, that looks cold! V!
Nicki Thurgar08-Nov-2009 20:45
I love this one....the light is perfect and that rushing water so beautiful!
Robert Strachan21-Sep-2009 22:22
Nice broody sky and loads of action in the sea.
Tim van Woensel25-Apr-2009 10:29
Very cool indeed!
Apostolos Tikopoulos04-Dec-2008 20:17
Fantastic perspective and superb composition. V.
Pedro Libório26-Oct-2008 20:11
wonderful shot.
Guest 18-Oct-2008 10:29
Nicely done!
Harrison09-Oct-2008 21:01
Gordon W07-Sep-2008 14:37
Excellent shot!
Milan Vogrin06-Sep-2008 19:15
Great light and compo!V!
Claude Martin06-Sep-2008 19:08
Wonderful shot...a lot to see, flowing water, wild water, great and stormy sky and special framing and colours!V
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