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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2012 - A Year of images! > Sunshine Trails
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18-Mar-12 McGarva

Sunshine Trails

Aberdeen, Scotland

Beautiful spring afternoon in the Nigg Bay area of Aberdeen
The withdrawing trails of water appeared to merge into the cloud trails

More of my Aberdeen gallery at


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J S Quesada12-Apr-2012 19:12
Wonderful composition and tones, and a great timing. V
Milan Vogrin07-Apr-2012 09:22
Very nice photo!V!
Stewart Mitchell21-Mar-2012 21:02
Excellent framing Tony, and love that light in the sky!
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE321-Mar-2012 20:13
Great framing with the rocks and just the right amount of motion in the water. V
Antonis Sarantos21-Mar-2012 18:22
Perfection! V
J. Scott Coile20-Mar-2012 15:11
Ron Asp20-Mar-2012 04:41
Very nice McGarva,just the right amount of timing, thanks for sharing..v
lou_rozensteins20-Mar-2012 01:18
Beautiful light and exposure!
Stephanie19-Mar-2012 22:45
What a gorgeous image!!!! Love it! :)
Graeme19-Mar-2012 22:22
Im sure this picture would grace any wall with pride, Tony.BV
tinkerb19-Mar-2012 22:20
Razor sharp image disappearing into the distance with a great sense of movement
Range View 19-Mar-2012 21:46
Wonderful depth colour and clarity. A superb capture. V
Patricia Kay19-Mar-2012 21:41
Excellent composition,details and colors Tony...BV
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad19-Mar-2012 21:41
Indeed, this is a superb hyperfocal image. v
Brian Samuel19-Mar-2012 21:28
I especially like the wave movement. The high tide mark also lines-up with the clouds. It all comes together.
Carl and Racine Erland19-Mar-2012 21:05
Superb...I can almost smell the salt in the air. - Racine V
Kevin Chester19-Mar-2012 20:59
Super image and great vanishing point perspective
Guest 19-Mar-2012 20:48
A wonderful work here.
Paul Keates19-Mar-2012 20:41
Stunning image....V
Johnny JAG19-Mar-2012 20:36
Wonderful sharp clear image
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