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062106 001.jpg

My daughter had surgery today. She was pretty nervous so the nurses put a name band and a cap on her bear and gave her a gas mask as well. I know it is kind of odd to post this sort of picture but when we took it she asked if we could put it on the 'picture puter' (PBase) .... so I did.

Canon EOS 20D
1/60s f/4.0 at 35.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 25-Jun-2006 21:40
Thank you for sharing this (sad) but poignant moment with us. We love you all...can't wait to see you!

Love, Mom W
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 22:14
Well captured emotion. I feel this one!
Guest 22-Jun-2006 13:37
I hope everything is good.
Sean Blumenhein22-Jun-2006 01:28
She just looks so sad. Is everything o.k. with her? Thanks for sharing a slice of your life.
Char22-Jun-2006 00:43
How adorable Jessica. Sorry to hear your little girl had to have surgery hope all is well. This is a super shot. Hugs here too! GMV
Oma 22-Jun-2006 00:30
Tell Brianna Oma loves here and hope she is feeling better soon! She looks like she was crying. I hope the surgery went well. Love Oma
Cindi Smith21-Jun-2006 23:24
She looks so nervous and looks like she has been crying. Poor little sweetie! I sure hope everything is okay with her! Hospitals are not fun! My prayers are with you!
Guest 21-Jun-2006 20:49
Hope shes doing good :0)
Guest 21-Jun-2006 20:34
Well wishes to your family! I don't think it is a strange image to post, it is sensitive a part of your life. I hope she gets well very soon! Thank you for sharing this image.
laine8221-Jun-2006 20:03
Felt like crying, read Grandma's comment & now I am. I hope she springs back quickly, Jess. A hug from another Gramdma, though not hers :>)
Guest 21-Jun-2006 19:33
I just want to reach out & pick her up & cuddleher. I'm sure things went fine, but she looks so forlorn. Love Grandma T. (G.G.)
beverley harrison21-Jun-2006 18:41
awww! :( give her a hug from me!!
Nicki Thurgar21-Jun-2006 18:17
Poor little thing looks so nervous, hope everything went OK :o)