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Mark Elert | profile | all galleries >> Stockholm, Sweden >> Roof tops of Stockholm tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Roof tops of Stockholm

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First sun on the chimneys
First sun on the chimneys
January 24: More snowy roof tops
January 24: More snowy roof tops
January 23: Snow on the roof tops of Stockholm
January 23: Snow on the roof tops of Stockholm
Towers of Stockholm
Towers of Stockholm
Matteus Church
Matteus Church
Nov 8: Tin roof but no cat
Nov 8: Tin roof but no cat
Nov 9: City Hall in morning haze
Nov 9: City Hall in morning haze
Roof tops of Vasastan
Roof tops of Vasastan
Birds over City Hall
Birds over City Hall
Adolf Fredrik School in morning light
Adolf Fredrik School in morning light
Nov 11: Chimneys
Nov 11: Chimneys
Morning over the gasworks
Morning over the gasworks
A winters day
A winters day
City hall
City hall
Dec 8: Sunrise, glass and steel
Dec 8: Sunrise, glass and steel
Working high
Working high
The Academy
The Academy
The towers of Söder
The towers of Söder
Stockholm city
Stockholm city
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