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luxun54 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sun, Moon & Clouds > Oregon Day I_2011_08_24-028.jpg
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Oregon Day I_2011_08_24-028.jpg

Haystack Rock, Oregon

Finalist, Photographer's Forum magazine, Best of Photography Annual 2012
Honorable Mention, 277th Show & Tell ("Going Wide")
Honorable Mention, 415th Show & Tell ("Your Best")

Nikon D300
1/40s f/16.0 at 38.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
GP Merfeld02-May-2013 08:21
An extraordinary image!
Guest 27-Apr-2012 17:35
Love this POV for Haystack! Great job!
Jasja van Leeuwen01-Nov-2011 23:35
That's a great shot, I like the surreal painting/fantasy feel of it.
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