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Trevor Edwards | all galleries >> Sheppey Pictures and Postcards >> Minster & Halfway > Southdown Road, Halfway
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Southdown Road, Halfway

Thanks to Matthew Brown for the picture

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Maureen Hutchings 21-Jan-2021 18:13
i used to live at no. 53 in the 60's
Bev 01-Nov-2016 20:58
I lived at No 57 the 2nd bungalow down on the left. This was from the early 1960s to the early 1970s.
Graham 16-Oct-2014 23:21
Used to live down the road on the right at number 26. The house on the left I believe was owned by Mr "Hitler" Hutley, who was a teacher at Sheerness Technical School. He was a nice man with a dry sense of humor.
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